Jeff Hunter

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Ten Best Photos of 2015

#10.  On a warming day in March, I snapped this female cardinal in the Coral Bark Maple.  I was itching to get out and start taking photographs after not doing anything in the Winter.

#9. The funny thing about this photo is that the three previous frames, the catcher had a glove on the runner, yet the runner still tries to claim he's safe.  I photographed Le Moyne College vs. University of New Haven on the New Haven campus.

#8. We were in NYC visiting our niece and decided to take the Staten Island Ferry (a free ride) across the bay.  On the way back, there were a couple of guys with this girl who were also taking photos.  I had been watching them for a while, and when they asked her to pose on the railing, I nonchalantly pointed my camera in her direction and took this photo.  Because I had the 70-200 on, I could reach out pretty far.

#7. This image captures the spirit of Cooper.  He started out a very skittish 7 year old Golden and ended up being a very mellow dog.  This photo was taken over the Summer when Valerie had Otis out for his walk and it was just Cooper and I were hanging out.

#6. One Summer evening the hummers were hitting the feeders pretty good.  Of course, I grabbed the camera and fired off about 300 photos of three or four different hummingbirds at the feeders.  I had the 70-200 and the 2X extender on.  The 2X extender meant I was at 5.6, and I knew I was going to have to crank up the shutter speed.  This photo was at 1250 ISO, 1/640th, and f/5.6.  Fortunately it was on the 7D Mark II, so ISO 1250 was nothing.

#5. The "Angry Man".  While in Acadia National Park, I stopped along the road to see if I could get some nice Black & Whites in the birch forest.  I came across this tree and he looked like he was scowling at me.

#4.  A bonfire at Le Moyne College during Family Weekend.  This group was illuminated only by the light of the bonfire.

#3. Dogs are not cooperative, especially when you try to put things on their heads.  I ended up taking about 420 photos with Otis in a Santa hat for our annual Christmas card.  Out of 420, I got three good ones.  I finally took his hat off and this was the first picture I snapped.  I almost like it better than the Christmas card photo, but the Art Director denied it.

#2. I thought this was going to be my #1 photo this year.  You can read all about it here (

#1.  I took over 1000 photos this night.  When I culled them down to the top 100 or so, this one stood out at me immediately.  Some times you just know when you have a great shot, and I knew immediately this was a great shot.  Yes, I looked through the other 800, but this was still the best.  The reason I think it's perfect is you can see the emotion on her face, the school logo is prominent in the picture, she is offset from the center of the frame just a little bit, and she stands out from the background.  Other than a couple color tweaks, this is exactly how it came out of the camera.